ABC- Ab Baki Charcha

Project Name: “ABC- Ab Baki Charcha”

Collaborators: CHSJ (The Centre for Health and Social Justice), Delhi & Mittika, New Delhi

Role: Movement Educator and facilitator,

Location and time: New Delhi, Oct 2014

Project Particulars: Project involved mobilization towards the UN 2nd Global MenEngage Symposium that was organized in New Delhi in November 2014. A brief description can be found in mittika’s web page shared below:

I partnered Mittika in designing and implementing movement based workshops across various communities of Delhi (marginalised/dalit/non-dalit under-privileged/middle class/artists). Also other mediums such as street theater, film screening, magic show etc. was used to spread awareness and address various aspects of gender equality. The dance and movement workshop had the objective of creating a space to initiate dialogue towards sense of safety and recognizing violence.